Where to buy silk blouses?

Blouses can be called an essential of the everyday wardrobe. You can easily pair it with dresses, shorts, classic pants and jeans. The blouse and jeans tandem deserves special attention. Mirra clothig lot of Readymade designer blouses from our latest blouse collection. Buy latest designs of blouses online or sarees from Mirra clothing. Check out […]

How to choose ready-made blouses?

Ready made blouses have a wide variety of choices, models you might not even have thought of. Unlike when you get a blouse sewn from scratch, you are pretty sure what this one will look like. The ready-to-wear blouse isn’t always a bad choice, especially with the top designers online bringing a whole new range […]

How to remove lipstick stain from silk blouse?

1.Place a piece of duct tape over the lipstick stain. Clear tape or masking tape will both work. 2.Remove the tape from the stain in one quick motion. All or most of the lipstick should now be glued to the tape rather than the fabric. 3.Sprinkle a layer of chalk or talcum powder on any […]

How to Get Wrinkles Out of a Silk Blouse?

Here are the following steps to remove wrinkles out of silk blouse 1.Turn the blouse inside out. Iron your blouse while it’s still damp after washing your hands, or use a water spray to lightly mist and evenly moisten the silk. Avoid using the hot steam from the iron to moisten the silk, which could […]

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